Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Spelunking with Zombies.

I love kids and the unexpected things that come out of their mouths. I led the Recreation Station at Vacation Bible School for the first time this year! I had about 15 "helpers" working with me. (I say "helpers" because the majority of them were junior high boys.) I loved working with all the kids that came through VBS.

This year's theme was National Parks, so the games revolved around that as much as possible. One day we had a game where the kids had to crawl through pop-up tubes. We called this "spelunking". I wanted to explain what that was to the kids before I explained the relay race. The 4th and 5th graders were combine all week and they were great about answering my various questions, but for this large word, I had Kendra explain what it was. Then I made a few comments about the differences between exploring real caves and exploring our VBS caves. Our caves weren't muddy or dark and there were not bats or other bugs. At this point, a bunch of the kids jumped in with other things we wouldn't find in our caves. Lions and tigers and bears wouldn't be found in our caves. As well as snakes, turtles, lizards, seaweed, laundry, or books. Or zombies, one kid in the back added. Spelunking with zombies. That would be horrifying. But I had to laugh.

And he was right. There were going to be no zombies at my Recreation Station in our pretend caves.

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