Saturday, August 21, 2010

Life Without Adventure?

I blame Alicia. She asked for a diet coke.

Alicia and I attempted to tackle the task of going through all the clothes in my closet in hopes of deciding what would go to Chicago with me. We got halfway through before taking a much needed coffee break. We got home and continued pulling out clothes and sorting things into piles. Lunch time was approaching so I called Robert and invited him to join our lunch time food quest. We ate lunch and then soldiered on with our daunting apparel assignment.

Anyways, here’s where the diet coke comes into play. We got back to my room and Alicia asked for one so I went to the garage to grab it. Innocently enough, I pulled the can out of the cardboard case and knocked over the case of dr. pepper. I tried to catch all of the falling soda but ended up helping them plummet into the deep and half full recycling bin. Then one of them exploded. I froze for a second before I started giggling. Dr. pepper was squirting everywhere and I didn’t know what to do. Still giggling, I managed to call for help. Robert, being the wonderful guy that he is, came to my rescue.

He opened the door and stuck his head out before walking out. Still laughing, I explained what happened. Without any hesitation, he reached in and pulled out the un-exploded cans and gave me the (as I interpret it), “I love you, you troublemaker,” look.

I brought Alicia her diet coke, gave her a quick recap of what had just went down, and then went back into the garage to finish cleaning up the mess I made. We took the recycling bin outside and emptied it in order to rinse it out. According to my mom, leaving sticky soda in the bottom of it was a bad idea. So Robert cleaned the inside of the huge bin while I loaded the soda-saturated stuff into a garbage bag.


Here are my thoughts on the whole thing:

I’m not perfect. I never have been. I never will be.

Sometimes I make messes that I can’t clean up on my own. Sometimes unexpected things happen and my initial reaction makes the situation worse. Sometimes I simply just don’t know what to do. And sometimes I’m not capable of doing what I know needs to be done.

In these “adventures” is when character comes out.

*He jumped in and helped without a second thought.

*I wasn’t completely sure what to do, but once I did, I helped.

*He was patient.

*I cleaned up the mess and got sticky without panicking about getting dirty.

*He was encouraging.

*Our response to the whole situation was laughter.


“Are you sure you’re okay with all the adventures that come with me?”

“What would life be without an occasional adventure?”


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